Character Name: Istyra Dronegan
Character Race: Mathosian
Character Age: 18
Civilian Rank: Lady (Main family)
Military/Spiritual Rank: -
Character Class: Mage
Character Profession skills: tba
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
Non identical twin sister of Ravanysia, daughter of Raneha. So she was born into the family.
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
I hope to be able to participate in alot of PvP and RP events with the guild.
Also I hope to give a good addition the the guild community.
Background story (Brief):
Istyra is the daughter of Raneha and twin sister of Ravanysia.
During training she was badly crippled in her right arm thanks to Ravanysia. The arm never properly healed and becuase she also showed magical potency she was given scholar training. Although she did show magical talents, Istyra never showed much interest towards her tutors about the magical training so she was treated as an average student. In secret Istyra would occasionally take books to her room and study for hours.
Becuase of a failed secret magical spell Istyra had negative experiences with fire elementals, She now seeks revenge against those elementals.
Former experiences of MMO:s:
Guild Wars, WoW, Final Fantasy 11, AoC, PotBS, Warhammer, Aion.
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
I have roleplayed a fair bit in WoW and have some experience with pen and paper RP with some RL friends.
Real life name (Optional): might tell you guys in time.
Real life age: 22
Timezone: +1 GMT.