Character Name: Reiah
Character Race: High Elf
Character Age: Appears about 30
Civilian Rank: Citizen
Military/Spiritual Rank: Captain
Character Class: Cleric (Offensive)
Character Profession skills: Unknown, likely smithing of sorts.
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
Sanctuary, a chance to learn of the changes of the world in exchange of her own battle knowledge and sword arm.
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC: Decades of experience as a captain of the high elven army, strategist and a helpful hand.
OOC: A pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. A roleplayer with a fair bit of all sorts of experience in MMOs(PvE/PvP/RP). And most of all, a relaxed guy with enough sense of humor to make up for a few serious people. Also an occasional writer and a storyteller, when the mood/inspiration strikes.
Background story (Brief):
Reiah was a decorated high elf captain of the army millenias ago, known back then for her strict unit discipline and careful, thought-out battle plans. However, no leader is omniscient, and in time an ambush claimed her life. Those of her men that survived the attack saw to it that she would rest in peace, and her body was sealed in a crypt on grounds the elves considered sacred. But over the cause of the war, the elves were separated from the lands and the crypt forgotten, even by the gods, in the growing forests, until it, and she, were found by the current Dronegan family on the outskirts of their grounds.
Former experiences of MMO:s:
Eve-online, Warhammer, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings (trial), EQ2 (trial)
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
World of Warcraft, Warhammer, plenty of text-based RP/Gs over the internet.
Real life name (Optional): Timo
Real life age: 22
Timezone: GMT +2