Character Name: Kittari
Character Race: Mathosian
Character Age: 19
Civilian Rank: Homeless
Military/Spiritual Rank: None
Character Class: Rogue
Character Profession skills: Forager and Apothecary
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan: In order to gain vengeance over the defiant (And then a chance to regain some wealth and power afterwards).
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC): More RP, an additional fighter against the defiant, a provider of potions, love, fun and hate.
Background story (Brief): Kittari was the youngest daughter of her family. Her and her family were out sailing on their ship as trouble began to rise. Kittari hasn't figured out what happened yet, as the last thing she remembers after drifting up on a beach, surrounded by corpses of the defiant as well as some corpses of the family's guards, was sitting with her family eating dinner. She is now ultimately seeking vengeance over the defiant as she blames them for the cause of the lost family.
Former experiences of MMO:s: I have 5½ years of RP and PvP in World of Warcraft.
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline): I have none offline, but as said in the previous question, I have 5½ years of experience from WoW.
Real life name (Optional):
Real life age: 19
Timezone: Paris (I think. I live in Denmark >.>)