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House of Dronegan

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 Mirtan's application

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Mirtan's application Empty
PostSubject: Mirtan's application   Mirtan's application Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 6:06 pm

Character Name: Mirtan
Character Race: Mathosian
Character Age: 27
Civilian Rank: Citizen
Military/Spiritual Rank: Soldier
Character Class: Warrior
Character Profession skills: Butchering/Mining/Armorsmithing

IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
Mirtan is still a greenhorn, when it comes to fight. He heard many rumors, about Dronegan's military branch combat excellence. He offers his sword and promises to defend good name of the House and his members in exchange for teachings and a mug of good, cold beer to forget.

What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC I offer You a tough companion, who is not afraid of going in the middle of the group of nasty monsters and taking some serious beating in the head. OOC I will offer You a guy, who is launching the game to experience something more than just grinding and trolling, who is always ready to experience some new adventures.

Background story (Brief):
Mirtan was living his peaceful life with his beutiful wife in the small house on the outskirts of Sanctum. He was a humble miner. She was an alchemist. Both were spending half of their days working hard so in the evening they can be together.
Once upon a day, she did not return from the forest, where she was always gathering herbs for her potions. Mirtan knew exactly the place where she should be and immiediately followed there. It was a day he won't forget. When he entered the glade the rift had just closed. There she was, lying on the ground with blood all over her chest.
It took Mirtan a year to get to his senses again, he enlisted in the Silverwood's army. Now only in protecting others he can find peace.

Former experiences of MMO:s:
I started my long journey with Planeshift and continued for a long time with Lineage II. Recentle I tried WoW, to finally end in Rift.

Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
Some sessions at Warhammer, mainly as some insane characters. A lot of roleplaying experience had provided me playing in Planeshift.

Real life name (Optional): Martin
Real life age: 27
Timezone: GMT +1
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

Mirtan's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mirtan's application   Mirtan's application Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 11:33 am

Welcome to the guild!
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