House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

A RIFT RP-PvP guild.
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 Posters in Sanctum

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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

Posters in Sanctum Empty
PostSubject: Posters in Sanctum   Posters in Sanctum Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 6:05 pm

Several posters can be found hanging from the walls of the buildings in Sanctum and at the Quicksilver College. It carries the insignia of the house of Dronegan, and reads as follows.

Members and servants of the House!
Your matriarch Raneha Dronegan walks againas an ascended, and she demands your presence and aid once more in order to battle the dragons, Regulos and the wicked Defiants.
Our new camp has been made in Gloamwood pines, and you should find us there.
Our numbers are thin, and we need you just as much as you need us.

(( This is basically the IC reason why the "newborn" ascended in the House would have a reason to find each other again. Let's get the roleplaying started people! Gloamwood is for the time being our new home. Getting there is rather easy once you get yourself a mount. It's just west of Silverwood. ))
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