House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

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 Alt Application: Martitma

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2 posters
Julius Dronegan

Julius Dronegan

Posts : 60
Join date : 2011-02-07

Alt Application: Martitma Empty
PostSubject: Alt Application: Martitma   Alt Application: Martitma Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 10:24 am

Character Name: Martitma
Character Race: Methosian
Character Age: 33
Civilian Rank: Serf
Military/Spiritual Rank: None
Character Class: Cleric
Character Profession skills: Mining, Butchering, Foraging
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
She worked with the House of Dronegan long, long ago and was brought back for her burning determination, so she's hellbent on returning to the House and adding to it anew.
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
She will be a rare sight most of the time, being a long-distance traveller who mostly reports by written report on occasion. RP sessions will be arranged, especially would want some of the military branch to take on the role as caravan-guards at some point as well.
This is the alt of Julius, our proud Guildbank. Will also be a potential AH-dealer on the guilds behalf, but that will be for later consideration.

Background story (Brief):
She is a trader that was earning a swift reputation and was approached by members of the House of Dronegan in times of old to put her services under their banner. She was a travelling merchant prior to the mass-slaughter and she's all the more eager to take up her role as this anew now, working as a trader for Dronegans best interests and offering not only an exploring trader with a mindset on increasing the House's wealth, but also providing a warehouse where items of interest can be stored.

***See Julius Profile for remaining details.***
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

Alt Application: Martitma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alt Application: Martitma   Alt Application: Martitma Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 5:36 pm

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