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 Application: Moyra Starbourne

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Moyra Starbourne

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-02-26

Application: Moyra Starbourne Empty
PostSubject: Application: Moyra Starbourne   Application: Moyra Starbourne Icon_minitimeSun Feb 27, 2011 1:03 am

Character Name: Moyra Starbourne

Character Race: High Elven

Character Age: Looks in her late 20's by Mathosian standards.

Civilian Rank: Trader in Information and Stories

Military/Spiritual Rank: None

Character Class:
Calling: Mage
Souls in use: Pyromancer / Chloromancer / Archon (techincal Fire support)
Character Profession skills:

IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
I need a Stable place to ply my trade of information brokering and crafted wares, but also to serve something greater when the time comes.

What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
Can offer the greatest asset of them all... information, where would we be today with out a network of contacts and allies.
(OOC) becuase you're a nice bunch of people that allowed me to look into your chatchannel on the beta.

Background story (Brief):
"MOYRA! get out here now"

"Yes Father, you called?" replied the young elven girl "what seems to be the matter?"

the Elderly male towered over the girl with a face that could break any elements upon it, with a stare that could kill even the hardest of fighters. " THIS.. THIS GARBAGE!." throwing down a peice of paper with maps and routes planned out upon it onto a table.. "this could have killed many men.. good men, next time stick to what you're good at." turning away from the young girl.

"But they're safe routes.." retorted the girl, looking down at the hand drawn maps. "pleanty of resting places, and... Oh..." noticing a mark upon them, the girls face looked like stone she'd made an error in judgement and now niticed it passed close to a cave that until recent had been empty, was now over run with spiders as large as her father. "Im Sorry, it'll never happen again. i promise"

With that the old man, walked out of the room leaving the young girl to redraw the charts for the local guard.

((please note im not that good at writing stories, never have been even with a few years of RP'ing under my belt i always fall onto certain sterotypes. please forgive any mistakes, but if you want more information, please feel free to ask))

Former experiences of MMO:s:
Name anything thats come out in the past 6 years.. i've probably played it...
Main Experiance has been ofcourse Warcraft, on a RP-Pvp server: Defias Brotherhood.

Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
online: been a member of some small, but really good RP guilds, The Shining Strand, Orcs of the Red Blade, The Second Gurubashi Empire to name a few.
Offline: had many nights of Ale, and "other stuff" with a small group of friends (of all ages) and did things like SLA industries / Shadow Run.

Real life name (Optional): Craig
Real life age: old... (29)...
Timezone: GMT, good ol' blighty!
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Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-02-06

Application: Moyra Starbourne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application: Moyra Starbourne   Application: Moyra Starbourne Icon_minitimeSun Feb 27, 2011 1:20 am

Accepted! Welcome to the house.
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