House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

A RIFT RP-PvP guild.
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 Welcome - Who are we?

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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

Welcome - Who are we? Empty
PostSubject: Welcome - Who are we?   Welcome - Who are we? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 8:08 pm

Welcome to the guild website for the EU RP-PvP guild called House of Dronegan, for the Guardian side on the Firesand server.

To make this a comfortable read, I'll try and organize the text with some headlines. Enjoy!

1: Who are we?
2: What's the guild idea?
3: What's the aim of the guild?
4: What do we ask of you?

1: Who are we?

We are as stated a RP-PvP guild.
We are RP in the sense that we expect all of our members to be interested in roleplaying and have an intention of doing so when in the game. We won't force you in taking part in every event we ever set up, and we know and understand that like every other human being, you have weeks when you are more interested in doing something and during others you might be less.

We do not seek members however who do not intend to roleplay, or only do so on a scarce level (say, once every four days you are logged on). We want roleplaying activity, but if you feel like just PvP:ing or hunting rifts today, be my guest. Hell, ask someone to join in and we probably will!

We are PvP in the sense that many of our members enjoy a good chunk of PvP combat. We will be organizing premades for the warfronts, and we'll very likely do several world PvP events aswell, all from unleashing rifts in defiant territory to raiding their outposts and whatnot.
This does not mean we are gankers who assault low levels on sight, nor that we dislike PvE. Most of our members intend to do rifts, and I for once intend to see the end game dungeons of the game. Not on the level that I intend to organize raids and go there every weekend, but if someone feels that they want to, they are of course free to go.

2: What's the guild idea?

The guild lore and the central IC idea of the guild is that of a mathosian noble family namned Dronegan, formerly from a barony in Northern Telara which was destroyed during the Shade War, about seventy years ago.
Some of the members of the guild will be actual bloodmembers of the family, while others will be contracted to it as soldiers, advisors, healers and whatnot.
Dwarves and highelves are free to join, but can naturally not be actual bloodmembers of the House, they will most likely be contracted to it one way or another.

There's a more dedicated lore page surrounding the house which can be found here, but for in order to not make this post far too long, let's just say that the general idea of it right now is to create a rich enviorment for roleplayers to join together, but also a place where rivalry can take place. Thanks to a hiearchical build with several wings at the top, who all have their own aligiences, we hope to encourage the members of our guild to plot and scheme not only against our enemies, but also against ourselves.

3: What's the aim of the guild?
Our aims are to have alot of fun with as many aspects as possible as Rift as to offer us, putting our focus to RP and PvP mainly.
We intend to satisfy the RP side of joy by presening something which is not very common among Online roleplaying guilds, which is rivalry and intrigue within our own ranks, and we intend to satisfy the PvP side by doing PvP in warfronts, in the open world and by openly assaulting enemy factions.

4: What do we ask of you?
That you are a roleplayer.
That you are mature. (Age of 21 required)
That you intend to spend some time at least on roleplaying. (To participate in PvP is something we leave up to you, though if you don't, you're going to miss out on a heck of alot of fun!)
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