House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

A RIFT RP-PvP guild.
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 The server name!

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Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-02-06

The server name!  Empty
PostSubject: The server name!    The server name!  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 23, 2011 10:25 am

The shard names (server names) have been announced!

Firesand is the only RP-PvP server and that is where we will make our home.

So - EN Firesand PvP-RP

If anyone didnt pre-order and needs their names reserved please let us know.

And here's a list of all the servers if anyone is interested.

US Servers

* Lotham - PvP
* Faeblight - RP
* Sunrest - PvP-RP
* Belmont - PvE
* Spitescar - PvP
* Seastone - PvP
* Keenblade - PvE
* Deepstrike - PvP
* Greybriar - PvE
* Shatterbone - PvE
* Reclaimer - PvP
* Byriel - PvE
* Snarebrush - PvP
* Gnarlwood - PvE
* Briarcliff - PvP
* Wolfsbane - PvE
* Shadefallen - RP

European Severs

* Blightweald - EN PvE
* Cloudeborne - EN PvP
* Steampike - EN PvE
* Icewatch - EN PvE
* Argent - EN RP
* Firesand - EN PvP RP
* Whitefall - EN PvP
* Brutwacht - DE PvE
* Trübkopf - DE PvP
* Akala - DE RP
* Brisesol - FR PvE
* Rubicon - FR PvP
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