Character Name: Yngmir
Character Race: Dwarf (Might be Mathosian after headstart)
Character Age: 34
Military rank: Scout (soldier)
Character Class: Ranger/Marksman
Character Profession Skills: Coming later
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC: A good scout who is able to use a bow and travel in wilderness.
OOC: I can offer an active player who is pretty good in PvP and PvE, though I don't have much experience from raiding. I have a few years of experience RPing in mmorpgs.
Background story (Brief):
Well, my father was a guard in the Icewatch, nowadays he is a drunkard somewhere in northern Telara. My mother was a barmaid, but she died when I was a young lad, so I don't know much about her. I have been traveling around northern Telara since my father was fired from the guard. Now, I suppose it's time for me to settle.
Former experiences of MMO:s:
LOTRO, Warhammer Online, WoW, AoC. I have been mostly playing LOTRO and AoC from these games.
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
Online: LOTRO and AoC
Offline: A bit of D&D
Real life name: Jere
Real life age: 16
Timezone: GMT +2