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House of Dronegan

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 application Dellan

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PostSubject: application Dellan   application Dellan Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 10:05 pm

Character Name:Dellan A'elthar

Character Race:Highelf

Character Age:(21 human years)

Civilian Rank: ( Noble among the highelves, not sure how it would look in the Mathosian system) "Officer Edit: Citizen"
Military/Spiritual Rank: Merc/crp/seargent/staff seargent(not sure) "Officer Edit: Sergeant"

Character Class:Bladedancer/Assasination/

Character Profession skills:Mineing/Weaponsmith/Runebreaker?(not sure on the last one)

IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan and Background story (Brief):
The noble house of A'elthars has been faithfull servants of the gods and a supporter of Lady Shyla. Generation after generation the art as an Bladedancer has made the house known among the elves since the time of the bloodstorm heroine Estrael ended . AT the time when the world called to arms, the A'elthars march to anwser the call by sending out their members with their fellow brothers and sisters under Lady Shyla. After the battle the remaining of the house went to Cliffsidevale to keep train up bladedancers for the Bladedanceorder and sends out Bladedancers as soldiers,officers, instructers for other races of the Gaurdians in honor of Lady Estrael.

(Its where Dellan comes in the picture)
Awakened and reunited with her family, she has been ordered to the Mathosian house of Dronegan to support. GIfted with the art of bladedanceing, weaponsmithing and infiltrateing that has been gone through the generations of A'elthars, its now her turn to do her part in the history.

What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
Well, I am too new to pop up plots,but doing everyday stuff what soliders/civs I think I can handle. (I LOVE PVP!")
I praticipate in g-meetings when I can , (RL on ma university years so I do my best when I get online)

OOC well be a nice fellow in tha guild,help what I can help with when I can.

Former experiences of MMO:s:
3/4 of 1 year wow,

Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
ZERO offline/1month in wow.

Real life name (Optional): *Classified*^^.................comes later
Real life age:21
Timezone:GMT+1 EU-Norway
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

application Dellan Empty
PostSubject: Re: application Dellan   application Dellan Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 10:16 pm


Welcome into the House!
Please make an account with your in-game character name!
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