House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

A RIFT RP-PvP guild.
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 Application: Toma

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Application: Toma Empty
PostSubject: Application: Toma   Application: Toma Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 8:46 pm

Character Name: Toma
Character Race: Mathosian
Character Age: 26
Civilian Rank: Citizen
Military/Spiritual Rank: Military, Captain.
Character Class: Warrior
Character Profession skills: Mining, armorsmith and weaponsmith.

IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
I'm a professional soldier, looking for a cause to serve. House of Dronegan seems appropriate.

What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC: I have experience with leadership and combat. I also can craft and maintenance weapons and armor.
OOC: I'm quite experienced in MMOs, so I'm competent in both PVP and PVE, in addition of role-play. I'm a laid back person and I have a good sense of humor, and I'm often considered intelligent. I'm good at following rules and such. Also, I have pretty good knowledge of historical weapons, armor and warfare in general.

Background story (Brief):
I'm a blacksmith's son from a small town. My father taught me smithing, but I wanted to be a soldier instead. I joined the town militia and eventually was promoted into a sergeant. A few weeks ago I left my hometown in order to find greater cause.

Former experiences of MMO:s:
World of Warcraft, Anarchy Online, Age of Conan, EVE Online and Aion. In World of Warcraft I did a lot of PVP and raiding.

Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
World of Warcraft and hundreds of hours of tabletop gaming.

Real life name (Optional): Samuli
Real life age: 19
Timezone: UTC +2 or UTC +3 (summer)
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Guild Officer
Guild Officer

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-02-06
Age : 38
Location : Sweden

Application: Toma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application: Toma   Application: Toma Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 8:52 pm

I like it. You're approved on trail due to your age but I have a hard time seeing that becoming a problem.

Welcome to the House. Feel free to contact me or any of the others if you have any questions.
Please create an account with your charactername as username.
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Application: Toma
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