Character Name: Celandor Windwood
Character Race: Elf
Character Age: 24 (Human years)
Civilian Rank: I'm unsure of this one, apologies.
Military/Spiritual Rank: Private, regular swordsman.
Character Class: Warrior
Character Profession skills: None
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
Being ascended without his friends and family at his side, Celandor seeks to put his loyalty elsewhere as he never enjoyed working alone.
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC, another muscle for the House, defending it with his sword if it would come to it.
OOC: My best mood and behaviour!
Background story (Brief):
Much like the reason to join the House, he lived a happy life with his family. Not until the enemy started rising did he pick up the sword.
Former experiences of MMO:s:
WoW (RP)
LOTRO Online (RP)
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
^ As I wrote, I've been roleplaying for two years in WoW and one year in LOTRO online.
Real life name (Optional): Calle
Real life age: 17
Timezone: GMT +1