Rules and Guidelines for the forum.
• Respect each other, we are all friends.
• Mature language.
• Keep your posts relevant to the subject.
Rules and Guidelines in game.
• PvP is fun, we are a PvP guild, However – Killing players that are significantly lower in level more than once is bad sport and will not be tolerated, unless provoked.
• We are also a roleplaying guild on a roleplaying server so grieving other players by for instance disturbing roleplaying events is out of the question and will be not be tolerated. While some may role play a bastard of a person, there is a difference between role playing a bastard and actually being one.
• Publicly Moaning/Complaining/Bitching is not permitted. If you have a problem, take it into a private chat, but don't bother other players with your Complaints. Just because someone “Stole my kill” doesn't mean that you should go off on a large rant about how much of an ass hole that person was. People are not as interested in it as you think.
• Keep your kit on! While I’m sure that some of you will get into role playing points where you may get your kit off (for whatever reason), running around with your breasts hanging out for the world to see is not an excuse. We are a mature guild and expect our members to behave maturely.
• Guildchat is OOC but this does not mean that constant spamming is OK, please remember that not everyone thinks your jokes are funny or are that interested in your personal life.
• If a decision is made by an guild officer it should be respected. If you feel mistreated by an guild officer you should try and contact an officer of a higher rank and ask them to solve it for you. Everyone has the right to express their opinion. Once a decision has been made by the guild leaders, however, it’s final and will be respected.
• Things that happens IC stays IC and should not be taken personal OOC.
• All Local/Vicinity Chat should be treated as Role Playing. Group Chat is Out Of Character unless the group agrees otherwise. Try and refrain from using ((brackets)) in a local chat unless its absolutely necessary, for example ((Shit, phone, BRB)) is just fine, while (( Loel, I got blue pants )) is not.