Character name: Julius Dronegan.
Species: Mathosian.
Age: 66 years or it's equivelent.
Class: Mage - Often with a necromancer in my role for RP reasons, potentially mixing it away in certain scenarios. We'll see as the game progress.
Civilian rank: Lord, Branch family.
Military/Spiritual rank: Apostle - For those who knows him, he has a preference to be called High Father or Father.
Reason for joining House Dronegan:
Being by blood bound to the family of Dronegan from his brothers marrige to Ranheas birthgiver, he is a spokesman of the gods in service of his beloved family and Lady Ranheas uncle.
What can I offer to the Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
In these times of chaotic rifts tearing apart, betrayers of all that is true and our arising as it was fortold, the guidance of the gods is clearly needed for the family Dronegan as it is for many others. I give such guidance with pride to support our well-earned position. I will play a very active role in getting to know all those who call themselves by our name and to draw more into our righteous family so that they may also walk the correct path.
I will also provide one hell of a spankbot in PvP where my teabagging of the Defiants shall be divinely guided and bolts of undeath will rend the flesh from their bones. I can also give a good deal of support here on the forums and will be involved in as many matters I can dip my fingers into so I'll be aware of most of the things going on, happy to help with questions and whatnot.
Earlier MMO's played:
Well, about a dozen, in varying amounts of time. Most of the 'big' ones though I only tried a trial/demo of EVE online. Been a lot of free-to-play MMO's in the last 2 years rather than paytime play. Somewhere around 2-3 years active gametime, had 1.5 years in WoW alone. Been an active RPer in most of the games.
Country: Skåne.
Timezone: GMT+1