Character Name: Salin ( surname not sure yet )
Character Race: Mathosian Male
Character Age: around his 40's
Character Class: Cleric ( prefer the healer role most of the time)
Character Profession skills: Not sure yet
IC-Reason to join the House of Dronegan:
( if I take the freedom of being part of the bloodline, I personally would love the role of the younger brother mentioned in the Vacancies,
how to weave this in with the Guilds Lore needs some more thought. )
For now I imagine a role on the outside, the lost brother recently returned from a long period of absence. If I weave in an other favorite of mine,
he might have been in some sort of monastery where he was supposed to see the "light". Darkness grew on him and after killing a servant, they locked
him away in style so to speak. After death he returned to the House, if darkness or the light wields his soul is not sure yet.
What can I offer to the House of Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
IC? Well I love to play out plots, preferably small scale intrigues. I also love the everyday RP so to speak, not everything has to be heroic or big.
OOC, had quite a few rp guilds or was involved in creating others, so I can help setting things up if needed. I also like to tinker on plots and
events, so I can help there as well. Do I get cookies if I throw in some design/ICT help?
Background story (Brief):
Not worked out yet.
Former experiences of MMO:s:
Played EQ2, AOC, WOW, LOTRL and others.
Former experience of roleplaying (Both online and offline)
I started Roleplaying in EQ2, loved it. In Wow I played a spiritual leader, first in my own guild, later as part of a bigger one. In AoC ( the game was boring after a few months, but the RP was great ) I was part of a dark aligned Mage only guild, fun times!
Real life name (Optional): On a later date
Real life age: Old! Ancient!
Timezone: EU Amsterdam