House of Dronegan
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House of Dronegan

A RIFT RP-PvP guild.
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 Application Ravanysia

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2 posters
Guild Officer
Guild Officer

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-02-06
Age : 38
Location : Sweden

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PostSubject: Application Ravanysia   Application Ravanysia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 9:05 pm

Character Name: Ravanysia Dronegan
Character Race: Mathosian
Character Age: 18
Civilian Rank: Lady (Main House)
Military/Spiritual Rank: -none-
Character Class: Warrior
Character Profession skills (Optional): Unsure

Reason for joining House of Dronegan:
As the daughter of Raneha´s not being a part of the House is not an option.

What can I offer to the Dronegan (Both IC and OOC):
As Ranehas heir I might be a part, or even the cause, of some intigue within the family.
Besides role playing I intend to PvP as much as possible and to participate
in guild events.

I will also be helping out with running the forums and maybe organize some RP-events

Background story (Brief):
The daughter of Lady Raneha.
Ravanysia was trained from childhood to be a resource to the family.
Not only because she's a potential heir but also so that she could perform
any task needed by her mother should the need arise.
In spite of, or maybe because of, her inexperience she is constantly seeking to
prove herself to others and her mother most of all.

Former experiences of MMO:s and roleplaying:
Pirates of the burning sea, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings online,
City of heroes(Brief), Vanguard, Everquest 2(Brief).

Real life name (Optional): Stefan
Real life age: 24 (Born 86)
Timezone: +1
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-02-06
Location : Swindon!

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PostSubject: Re: Application Ravanysia   Application Ravanysia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 10:42 pm

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